Paper Material Recovery Facilities In Spain

Spanish paper material recovery facilities directory - showing MRFs companies in Spain that receive, separate and prepare recyclable paper materials.

Company Name Collection Services Materials Processed (tons/year)
A15 Reciclaje Navarra Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper Yes
Abonos Orgánicos Sevilla S.A. Andalucía Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Acteco Productos y Servicios S.L. Comunidad Valenciana Industrial Paper, Metal, Organic Yes
Adalmo, S.L. Illes Balears Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Alianplast, S.L. Cataluña Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Alregón Medio Ambiente Andalucía Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper Yes
Alternativa Ecologica Andalucía Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes 18,000
Ambar Plus, SL Comunidad de Madrid Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Amica Medio Ambiente Cantabria Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Antonio España e Hijos, S.L. Andalucía Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Arregi Etxabe Juan Jose, SA País Vasco Plastic, Paper Yes
AVC Resíduos Cataluña Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Bañu - Etxe Recycling S.L.U. País Vasco Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Barreno Unión S.L. Andalucía Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Beotibar Recycling S.L. País Vasco Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes 73,300
Bernature Comunidad Valenciana Plastic, Paper Yes
Bersante Recuperaciones S.L. Comunidad de Madrid Residential Paper, Metal Yes
Bidasoa Ecogestión S.L. Navarra Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Bioreciclaje de Cádiz, S.A. Andalucía Residential Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal
Bizkaiko Zabor Berziklategia SL Navarra Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Boj Reciclatge Cataluña Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
C.T.C Servicios Ambientales S.L. Andalucía Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal, Organic Yes
Cartón y Papel Reciclado S.A. Comunidad de Madrid Commercial, Industrial Paper Yes
Casa Nualart S.L. Cataluña Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Castellano Manchega De Limpiezas SL Castilla-La Mancha Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Centre de Gestió Mediambiental, S.L. Cataluña Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Centro de reciclados Cubas del Sur Andalucía Plastic, Paper Yes
Cerexsal - Centro De Reciclaje Extremeño SA Extremadura Paper, Metal Yes
Chatarra y desguaces Torres Castilla-La Mancha Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Chatarras Hnos. Marquina S.L. Aragón Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
Chatarras M. Requena S.L. Cataluña Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Chatarras Marton S.L. Navarra Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Chatarras y Reciclajes Mariano Gracia S.L. Comunidad Valenciana Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Chatarreria Retramet Cartagena, S.L. Región de Murcia Paper, Metal Yes
Chazar SL Aragón Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Cogami Reciclado de Galicia, SL Galicia Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
COGERSA, S.A.U. Principado de Asturias Plastic, Paper, Metal
Comercial de Reciclajes, S.L. Comunidad Valenciana Paper Yes
Complexo Medioambiental Serra do Barbanza Galicia Residential Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Consorcio Provincial de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos Málaga Andalucía Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Containers del Berguedà SL Cataluña Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Containers i Reciclatges Tort Cataluña Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Contenedores Ortiz, S.L. Comunidad Valenciana Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
ContenIdors Baix-Mont SL Cataluña Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Corporación Everest Cataluña Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
CTR Mediterráneo Comunidad Valenciana Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Deixalles i Transports Àngel Plazas S.A. Cataluña Plastic, Paper Yes
DesCat Cataluña Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Destruccion Confidencial De Documentacion S.A. Comunidad Valenciana Commercial, Industrial Paper Yes 8,900
Dionisio Ruiz S.L. Navarra Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper Yes
Dolaf Servicios Verdes, S.L. Comunidad de Madrid Paper Yes
Domenech Padillo Hnos. S.L. Andalucía Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Don Papel y Cartón SL Comunidad de Madrid Commercial, Industrial Paper Yes
DS Smith Recycling Spain, S.A. Castilla y León Commercial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Dynamic TGV Cataluña Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
E Niño, S.A. Comunidad de Madrid Paper, Metal Yes
Ecoadeso S.L. Aragón Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Ecoceuta SL Ceuta Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Ecoclasires SL Castilla-La Mancha Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Ecología y Vertidos Bajo Cinca, S.L. Aragón Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper Yes
Ecológicos Ega S.L. Navarra Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Ecoturia Benaguacil SL Comunidad Valenciana Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper Yes
Egutegui Reciclados S.L.U País Vasco Industrial Paper Yes
Ekoreci S.L. País Vasco Commercial, Industrial Paper Yes
Elymet Salas S.L. Cataluña Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Eplus Reciclaje Y Gestion Integral De Residuos, SL Cataluña Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Escor, S.L. País Vasco Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Eurogestión de Auto-Residuos S.L. Comunidad de Madrid Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Ferros Cristòbal, S.A. Cataluña Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Ferros Perich, S.L Cataluña Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Garbiker MPAB, SA País Vasco Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Garcés Recuperación S.L. Aragón Plastic, Paper Yes
García Galvis S.L. Castilla-La Mancha Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Gerepal Alipio Antolin SL Castilla y León Commercial, Industrial Paper Yes
Gersa SA Cataluña Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Gestan Contenedores de la Coruña SL Galicia Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Gestió de Residus Cirera S.L. Cataluña Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Gestió del Paper Sabadell SL Cataluña Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Gestión de Residuos Grúas y Contenedores S.L. Región de Murcia Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Gestión de Residuos Roche S.L. Cataluña Paper, Metal Yes
Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos S.A Comunidad Valenciana Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Gestión Integral Recycling S.L. Castilla-La Mancha Industrial Plastic, Paper Yes
Gesvasa Gestión de Residuos, S.L. La Rioja Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Gipuzkoako Hondakinen Kudeaketa S.A.U. País Vasco Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
GIR - Serveis de Recuperació, S.L. Cataluña Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Glouser Recuperaciones SL Comunidad Valenciana Plastic, Paper, Metal
González Couceiro, S.L.U. Galicia Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Grup Rodilla Cataluña Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Grup TransPal Cataluña Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Grupo GlobalRec, S.L. Comunidad Valenciana Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper
Grupo Hermanos Inglés, SA Región de Murcia Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Grupo Layna S.L. Comunidad de Madrid Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Grupo Reciclarte Aragón Paper, Metal Yes
Grupo TR2 Comunidad de Madrid Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
Hermanos Calvo Suministro de Papel Recuperado S.L. Comunidad de Madrid Paper Yes
Hermanos Inglés - Vidal S.L. Región de Murcia Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Hermanos Padilla S. L. Andalucía Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Hermanos Pellicé, S.L. Cataluña Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Hermanos Pratginestós, SA Cataluña Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Hernández, C.B. Reciclajes y Servicios Comunidad de Madrid Commercial, Industrial Paper Yes