Paper Material Recovery Facilities In Switzerland

Swiss paper material recovery facilities directory - showing MRFs companies in Switzerland that receive, separate and prepare recyclable paper materials.

Company Name Collection Services Materials Processed (tons/year)
A. Schnyder Transportunternehmung & Altmetalle AG Zürich Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Alfred Hösli AG Glarus Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
Almeta Recycling AG Solothurn Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Andrey Transports SA Fribourg Residential, Commercial Paper, Glass Yes
APS Altpapier Service Schweiz AG Luzern Commercial, Industrial Paper Yes 490,000
AREC Abfall-Recycling Bern AG Bern Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal, Organic
Arnold Schmid Recycling AG Schaffhausen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
AVAG Umwelt AG Bern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper Yes
Bader Fers Recycling SA Vaud Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Bader Paul Transporte AG Zürich Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Barec Holding SA Vaud Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Bausort AG Aargau Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Beck Umweltservice AG Luzern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
Belbenna Sagl Ticino Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Beo Recycling AG Bern Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes 250,000
Birchler Récupération Sàrl Vaud Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Bläsi Transport AG Solothurn Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal, Organic Yes
Boos Recycling AG Graubünden Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Brunner Umweltservice AG St. Gallen Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Bruno Röllin AG Zürich Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Bühlmann Recycling AG Bern Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes 250,000
Cand-Landi SA Vaud Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal, Organic Yes
Congefi SA Ticino Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes 60,000
Constantin Transport AG Valais Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Coquoz Démolition et Fils SA Valais Paper, Metal Yes
Daetwiler Umweltservice AG Aargau Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper Yes
Drewsmetalle GmbH Luzern Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Düring Schweiz AG Luzern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
E. Müller AG Luzern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Econord SA Ticino Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Edi Entsorgungsdienste AG Bern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Eggenberger Recycling AG St. Gallen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Engiadina Recycling AG Graubünden Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
EZB AG Basel-Landschaft Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Franz Twerenbold AG Zug Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
Fratelli Maffi SA Ticino Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Fratelli Puricelli SA Ticino Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes 800
Freaktal Boxen und Metalle GmbH Aargau Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Gasser AG Luzern Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Gasser-Balsiger AG Bern Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Gotri - Déchetterie et centre de tri Jura Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Groupe Orllati SA Vaud Paper, Glass, Metal
Häfeli Recycling AG Aargau Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Haldimann AG Fribourg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Hediger Recycling AG Luzern Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Hess Muldenservice AG Luzern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Hiltbrunner AG Bern Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Hostettler Recycling GmbH Bern Paper, Metal Yes
Hs. Mühle Recycling AG Zürich Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes 30,000
Huber Industrieabfälle GmbH Thurgau Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes 12,000
InnoRecycling AG Thurgau Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal
J. Grimm AG Zürich Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Jaeger et Bosshard SA Genève Paper, Metal Yes
Jaquier Services S.A. Genève Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Job Eco SA Neuchâtel Residential, Commercial Paper Yes
K. Müller AG Zürich Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Käppeli Umwelt AG St. Gallen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal, Organic Yes
Kuster Recycling AG St. Gallen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
KWB Planreal AG St. Gallen Paper, Metal
Landolt Transport AG Schwyz Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Leisibach Entsorgung AG Luzern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Loacker Swiss Recycling AG Zürich Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Loacker-Ostschweiz Recycling AG St. Gallen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Lopatex AG Zürich Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Lottner AG Basel-Stadt Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Maag Recycling AG Zürich Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Metabader SA Vaud Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Moser Alteisen + Recycling AG Luzern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Moser RecyclingCenter AG St. Gallen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
Muldenservice Buchs AG Bern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Müller Recycling AG Thurgau Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes 47,700
Neu-exAKTA AG Thurgau Paper Yes
Neuenschwander AG Entsorgungscenter Solothurn Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Oeko-Service Schweiz AG Aargau Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Paul Baldini AG Uri Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass Yes
Perret SA Vaud Plastic, Paper, Metal, Organic Yes
Petrucciani SA Ticino Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Ramseyer SA Jura Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Re-Center Muttenz AG Basel-Landschaft Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
RECE im Thal AG Solothurn Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Récupération RG SA Fribourg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
Recycling Services AG Zürich Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Recycling-Express Aargau Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
Reinhard Recycling AG Bern Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Remondis Schweiz AG Schaffhausen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes 180,000
Resag Recycling Und Sortierwerk Bern AG Bern Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Retripa SA Genève Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes 154,500
REVAG Recycling AG Bern Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
REWAG - Recycling- und Entsorgungscenter Wiggertal AG Aargau Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
RK2 Recycling Konzept Schaffhausen Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Römer AG Aargau Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
RSA Recycling- und Sortieranlage AG St. Gallen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Sadec SA Vaud Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Schiess Recycling AG St. Gallen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Schläpfer Altmetall AG St. Gallen Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Schmid AG Entsorgung und Recycling Zürich Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Schneider Umweltservice AG Zürich Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Schnider AG St. Gallen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes 70,000
Schönenberger Recycling Toggenburg AG St. Gallen Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Schriber & Schmid GmbH Valais Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes